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Stretch Your Body – and Your Dollars

Cost of living index drop in yoga cost

Say you are on a business trip in Tyler, TX. After a long day of sitting in meetings, you want nothing more than to stretch out your back and your legs. So, you figure you might drop in on a local yoga class. How much money should you anticipate paying? Should you seek out a yoga studio for a nice stretch after that final, long meeting with a client, or should you head back to your hotel room without dropping a dime? If you find yourself in Tyler, or any of the cities listed below, a peaceful drop-in stretch will only cost you about $6.67 to $9.72 on average, as shown in the COLI 2023 Annual Average publication. The table below shows the five least expensive places in the United States for a drop-in yoga class.

Least expensive drop in yoga Cost of Living Index

You might also be feeling like getting a stretch in, but depending on where you are, you might want to think twice about that yoga studio. Should you find yourself in one of the urban areas listed below, you might want to pop on a YouTube video and workout in your hotel room instead. The table below shows the top five most expensive regions for a drop-in yoga class.

Most expensive drop in yoga Cost of Living Index

There are many benefits to yoga, including improving strength, balance, flexibility, heart health, back pain relief, and stress management[1]. And since the price across the nation varies dramatically, you might have to plan on stretching your dollars as much as your torso. 

Curious about where else has inexpensive drop-in yoga classes? Or maybe you’d like to know where it might not be worth it? Check out the Cost of Living Index’s Quarterly Publication! That way, you can stretch your dollars while stretching your legs.

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